Monday, October 14, 2013


According to the web Educational Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating e-learning, which is the learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theory. While instructional technology is "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning," according to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Definitions and Terminology Committee,[2] educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability. Educational technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications, such as wikis and blogs, and activities.
For me what is Educational Technology 2:
It is the applications of the learning, theories and principles in Educational Technology1. It is where my computer literacy is being tested, developed and improved. I have evaluated myself through this course that I have really a poor time management. This course requires discipline especially in making the different exercises and submitting it on time. But even though I have a hard time in making the exercises but still it improves the totality in me.

I am thankful that Educational Technology 2 has been a part of the curriculum for the students who took Education courses. It is really a big factor especially we are in 21st century skills where global teacher is being demanded. Also I would grab this opportunity to give thanks to our teacher, Mr. Helmar G. Ycong for sharing his valuable time for us to gain knowledge, skills and values with regards with Educational Technology.

Exercise#10: Microsoft Publisher

            In this 10th activity, we were tasked to edit or provide information on the three examples of a MS Publisher namely birthday, business and certificate. We are able to make our own certificate, greeting card and business card.

           I have learned that Microsoft publisher is very helpful especially to the teachers. In making certificate instead of going to a computer shop to make a certificate for the students it is better to make our own having the knowledge of the use of the Microsoft Publisher.

Exercise#9: Microsoft Excel "E-Compute"

               In this 9th activity, we were tasked to compute the grade of the ten students by using the Microsoft Excel. Providing formula in each computation is a must to obtain an accurate answer.

           I have learned to put up the correct formula in the formula bar in order to arrive the correct answer. A sign is important in encoding the formula also putting a dollar sign makes the work faster by just dragging it. In Microsoft Excel the data are more organized, legible,more accurate data and reliable. It also provides storage capacity in which when some computed grades are missing you can just reproduce it again. 
             As a future teacher it is necessary to learn how to compute grades in Excel in order to save time, effort and having a product which is reliable and legible.

Exercise#8: Microsoft PowerPoint "Presentor"

                In this 8th activity,in relation to the topic that is being encoded in the Microsoft Word now it will be placed in a PowerPoint presentation. There are do's and dont's in making it. This activity required creativity.



            Having the knowledge about the transitions and animations in the PowerPoint presentation helps a lot especially in catching the student's attention. In making a presentation the main points re the one that should be placed on a slide not all the information to avoid overcrowding of the words.
             As a future teacher especially nowadays that global teacher is highly demanded, it is necessary to be literate in high technology such as computers. PowerPoint presentation can really affect the teaching-learning process.  Learning process in a sense that student's retention on the lesson that is being discussed will be understood fully by the students through the images that being presented.

                   Using this PowerPoint presentation must not replaced the teacher rather it will just supplement the student's learning. Before making a PowerPoint presentation it is a must to have a guide first to save time, effort and money with the use of storyboard .

Exercise#7: Microsoft Word "Type,Type"

             In this 7th activity, all we have to do is to rewrite a lesson plan using Microsoft Word. It measures the skill of students in typing. If you are fast or slow in encoding data. With several things to be followed in the format that must be perform.


           This activity is very significant for it showcase the advantage of using high technology equipment. from writing on a paper nowadays you can write it in a soft copy form that is editable and free from errors. By using this neatness and legibility can be assured. Aside from it is editable it can be stored as long as you want at it can be reuse in case if the hard copy is gone.Not only in making lesson plan as well as making projects and assignments Microsoft word fits best.