Sunday, October 13, 2013

Exercise#5: Non-Objective Shapes "Close Your Eyes"

                In this 5th activity I find it intricate for there is a need to close your eyes while writing or forming any lines. It is non-objective in a sense that you did not plan any shapes that you want to form with a closed eyes. After that you will color the different gaps between the lines and tried to formulate what is the common thing you have formed.

      I find this activity more on value formation. it is trusting in you self, your capability as a person with the guidance of God Almighty. Even though at the moment that our eyes are closed but still there is One Supreme being who guided as always in the right path.Even if our eyes are closed there are still shapes or objects that we can formed after the journey of our pen on the paper.
      Next is being a keen observer or being a analytical thinker. it is a must that in every gap you must fill it out with color. Same in life, in every mistakes that we commit there is a lesson that we learned from it.


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